Basic Literacy
The Basic Literacy component of the NFLP spans over a period of 21 months. During this period, the Facilitator takes learners through the Primer and Follow-up Readers. The Basic Literacy Unit oversees the development of primers, facilitators’ manuals and guides and coordinates the Pilot Vocational English Literacy Project.
The key objective of the Unit is to provide quality basic literacy services to new groups in reading, writing and numeracy in the adopted 15 Ghanaian Languages and English.
The Unit works with writers, editors and illustrators to develop and produce:
- Local language Primers in 15 Ghanaian Languages of the NFLP.
- English Primers, Workbooks and Manuals.
- Manuals for programme implementers.
- Manuals for Pilot Vocational English Literacy Project.
- Manuals for HIV and AIDS education and prevention activities in the NFED.