Greater Accra
The Greater Accra Region is the smallest of the 10 administrative regions in terms of area, occupying a total land surface of 3,245 square kilometres or 1.4 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. The Region is wedged between the Central Region on the west and Volta Region on the East. The population is 4,010,054 by the 2010 population and housing census report.
Number of Learners by Gender
The number of learners in the region has improved dramatically through the introduction of effective community entry method over the past three years.
The table below shows detail number of learners in the Region by batches.
Batch 15
No. | Gender | Rate | Percentage |
1. | Male | 252 | 22% |
2. | Female | 904 | 78% |
Total | 1,156 | 100% |
Batch 16
No. | Gender | Rate | Percentage |
1. | Male | 269 | 21% |
2. | Female | 1,008 | 7 |
Total | 1,277 | 100% |
Batch 17
No. | Gender | Rate | Percentage |
1. | Male | 709 | 21% |
2. | Female | 2,688 | 79% |
Total | 3,397 | 100% |
No. | Gender | Rate | Percentage |
1. | Male | 461 | 18% |
2. | Female | 2,081 | 82% |
Total | 2,542 | 100% |
Status of Literacy classes on the ground (with figures):
The status of literacy classes on the ground in the Greater Accra Region has improved due to the facilitators incentive awards.
The table below shows the literacy classes on the ground.
No. | Region | Batches | |||
Batch 15 | Batch 16 | Batch 17 | Batch 18 | ||
1. | Greater Accra Region | 49 Classes | 57 Classes | 138 Classes | 126 Classes |
Role of Communities
Most of our existing classes are within the religious communities. They have been quite co-operative in the running of the classes. Community leaders encourage their people to take the programme very serious since education is a key to the future.
Brief on District Partners
The Street Academy is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which unearths hidden talents of less fortunate children in the field of sports, culture and non-formal education. Their objectives are to ensure that special services like basic non-formal education, skills training and sporting activities are put in place for the benefit of the children under their care.
The Youth Skills Training Foundation trains needy children free of charge. Their main aim is to give them technical and vocational skills that will take them from their criminal activities and teenage pregnancy into useful citizens.
Use of Learning Support Systems in the Region
Some districts use the local radio stations in their jurisdiction to sensitize their community on the aims and objectives of the Non-Formal Education Division. A total of 4 Level One programmes and 8 Level Two programmes have been aired to complement class discussions and also sensitize communities on the NFLP. Learners too are encouraged to use the book boxes to update their reading skills.

Occupational Skills Development groups at Ashaiman Municipal generates income from this Poultry farm to sustain their literacy classes.
The table below shows details information on radio programmes:
Level 1
No. | Class Name | Topic |
1 | Manaikpo Community class | Drug Abuse |
2 | Manaikpo Comm. class | Child labour |
3 | Faithkope | Teenage pregnancy |
4 | Manaikpo | Community empowerment |
Level 2
No. | Class Name | Topic |
1. | NCCE | Child Abuse |
2. | NCCE | Factors against women in Education |
3. | NCCE | Factors against women in Education |
4. | NCCE | Socio Economic |
5. | NCCE | Constitution week |
6. | NCCE | Duties of a citizen |
7. | NCCE | Law enforcement agencies |
8. | NCCE | Disables are protected. |
Status of Occupational Skills Development
The Greater Accra Region has viable IGA groups which are doing well in their respective districts. The Region has given out loans to some groups in the Dangme East District to enable them sustain the activity they are doing.
Some offices in the region are also training their learners in soap making, baking, batik, tie & dye making and farming.
The way forward for the Region: The regional office hopes to:
- To improve the quality and efficiency of monitoring, evolution and research activities in our region.
- To develop and upgrade the occupational skills of learners, particularly income generating groups to be efficient users of financial credit in the region.
- To sustain the literacy skills of neo-literates in the region.
- Facilitators should be given allowance to motivate them to work effective instead of the incentive they receive after the completion twenty-one month cycle.
- Funds allocated to the region and the districts should be reviewed to help the offices perform their duties effectively.
- Office equipment; computers and accessories, photocopiers, uninterrupted power supply (UPS) should be provided to all the districts in the region to improve working abilities in the districts.
- Ada West
- Adenta Municipal
- Ashaiman Municipal
- Dangme East
- Dangme West
- Ga Central
- Ga East Municipal
- Ga South Municipal
- Ga West Municipal
- Kpone Katamanso
- La Dade Kotopon Municipal
- La Nkwantanang Madina
- Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal
- Ningo Prampram
- Tema Metropolitan