Upper East
The Upper East Region was created in September, 1960. The region lies in the North Eastern part of the country and has eleven districts, made up of two municipalities and nine districts. The population is 1,046,545 according to the 2010 population and housing census.
Current Literacy Rate by Gender
The Upper East Region is one of the poorest regions in the country and this has impacted on the literacy rate in the area. About 41% of the population is literate.
Status of Literacy Classes
Currently, only Batch 17 classes are on the ground. Batch 16 classes have completed the 21 months cycle and are awaiting their incentive packages. The overall learner population in the region stands at 6761. This is made up of 2571 males and 4190 females.
Role of Communities
Due to the high illiteracy levels in the region, the interest of communities in the NFLP is very high. Literacy is seen as a beacon of hope in the communities. In view of this, they are playing effective roles to ensure the success of the programme in their areas. They contribute by selecting facilitators, making venues available for classes and providing kerosene and chalk to facilitate learning. They also support literacy delivery by taking part in literacy advisory committees that manage classes in their communities. They also provide land for IGA groups interested in farming and tree planting.
Brief on Regional Partners
The regional office is collaborating with a number of government and non-governmental organizations. They are:
- Ghana Education Service
- National Service Secretariat
- National Commission on Civic Education
- Ministry of Health
- National Board for Small Scale Industries
- Rural Enterprises Project
- Regional Coordinating Council
- National Population Council
- Rural Banks
Personnel of partner organizations are trained by NFED as resource persons for the training of facilitators and staff. NFED staff are also engaged by other organizations to provide functional literacy for their clientele.
There is the exchange of reading materials for Functional Literacy classes between NFED and other organizations. The Regional Coordinating Council provides financial support for the programme.
Status of Income Generation Activities
The National Functional Literacy Programme has as one of its key objectives, poverty reduction and occupational skills development. With the introduction of the income generating activities into the programme, literacy has become more meaningful to learners since they can generate money to support their daily needs.
- Bawku Municipal
- Bawku West
- Binduri
- Bolgatanga Municipal
- Bongo
- Builsa
- Builsa South
- Garu-Tempane
- Kassena-Nankana East
- Kassena-Nankana West
- Talensi Nabdam