Upper West
The Upper West Region has 11 districts and a total land area of 18,476m2. The population is 702,110 according to the 2010 population and housing census.
Current Literacy Rate
The current literacy rate of the region stands at 48.5 percent for males and 33.5 percent for females. The regional literacy rate however, is 40.5 percent.
Status Of Literacy Classes
The Upper West region has a very buoyant functional literacy programme. As at December 2011, Batches 16 and 17 classes were on the ground in the region. Classes are operating two major languages, namely, Dagaare and Sissali. Special classes are organized for people with Disabilities, including the visually impaired, and inmates of the Ghana Prison Service.
The region has a total learner population of 11,235 made up of 5,675 females and 5,560 males. There are 433 classes out of which 189 are Batch 16 and 244 are Batch 17 classes. There are 122 model classes established by zonal supervisors. Post literacy classes in English language are in all districts of the region.
Role Of Communities
Communities are playing very active roles towards successful delivery of the functional literacy programme in the region. The community supports classes with lanterns, settle their electricity bills and provide meeting places for classes.
They also monitor facilitation and learners participation in income generating projects and development activities.
Brief On Regional Partners
The Regional Office of the Division is being supported by the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC). The office receives fuel allocation and funds for repairs of the vehicle from the Council. At the Municipal and district levels, the Division’s programmes are being supported by the municipal and district assemblies.
The regional office is in partnership with the Rice Sector Support Project (RSSP), a five year project sponsored by the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD). Under the partnership, the Division is tasked with the responsibility of promoting functional literacy for farmers, processors and marketers of rice through the training of facilitators, and opening of literacy classes in pilot project areas.
Learning support systems
To enhance the delivery of the NFLP, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in March, 2004 between NFED and Radio Progress in the Region. The MOU represents the mutual commitment of the radio stations and NFED towards the development of the country through literacy and community participation.
Radio Progress is broadcasting programmes for reinforcing learning in class and sensitizing communities on the NFLP.
The use of the Book Box Mini – Library is imparting positively on neo-literates. Over the years, a number of post literacy materials had been produced and distributed to classes in the region through the book boxes to help learners and neo-literates improve their reading skills.
To whip up the interest and reading habit of learners, the library services unit occasionally organizes reading competitions and story-telling for learners. This has increased patronage of books produced for learners.
The merits of the reading competition cannot be over-emphasized, as it facilitates the creation of a sustainable literate environment.
Status of Income Generation Activities in the Region:
Income Generating Activity (IGA) of groups has been re-vamped in all districts in the region. Programme staff at the regional, district, and zonal levels have been encouraged to sensitize all literacy classes to start income generation activities.
Training programmes are organized for IGA groups on record keeping, micro and macro credit as well as savings mobilization. Most of the active IGA groups in the region are engaged in shea butter extracting, pito brewing, cloth weaving, soap making, tree planting and dry season vegetable farming.
Income Generating Activities have become increasingly vibrant throughout the region. Most of these IGA groups have applied to access the IGA revolving fund, which is not enough to cater for these promising groups. This notwithstanding, the groups are mobilizing savings and will soon be given support from the limited funds of Non-Formal Education to expand their ventures.
- Daffiama Bussie Issa
- Jirapa
- Lambussie Karni
- Lawra
- Nadowli
- Nandom
- Sissala East
- Sissala West
- Wa East
- Wa Municipal
- Wa West